Welcome to The Creative Family.

Nature Journaling
I love nature journaling and often teach classes for other homeschool moms on how to teach nature journaling to kids. I keep my teaching notes […]

Lines of Symmetry Math Lesson Plan
A Family-Style Math Lesson, great for homeschool co-ops, or 4H STEM Get a PDF version of this lesson plan HERE:Lines of Symmetry Lesson Plan PDFDownload […]

Brainless Crowd Pleasers
I love to cook. It sparks a ton of joy to me to make and eat yummy, healthful food. I love to make a wide […]

Free Custom Printables for Disc-Bound Planners
Want to learn more about disc-bound planners? CLICK HERE. As I wrote in my previous post, I am loving my disc-bound planner. I use a […]

Disc-Bound Planner
My experience Have you tried a disc-bound planner? What did you think? I have been using mine for several months now and am really enjoying […]

Spoons 24 Math Game
I love to play games and do math with my family and I'm trying to think of ways to make practicing multiplication more fun. Here […]

Pascal’s Triangle Discovery Lesson
Family-style lesson in discovering patterns with Pascal's Triangle. […]

Christmas Math Challenge Problem
In our homeschool, I love to give problems for my kids to try to solve that they have never seen before. That's what mathematicians do. […]

Liger Game
One of our family's favorite games is the Liger Game. It is an animal drawing game, where players choose 2 animal cards from a deck, […]

Giving life to an old Christmas Ornament
We had some ornaments in our stash that were a bit old and ugly. Elizabeth and I decided to give them a refresh. Here is […]

Candy Cane Reindeer Pattern
This year, the kids are going homemade with their friend gifts. I thought I would share this darling pattern for candy cane reindeer using felt, […]

Multiplication Table Songs
There are useful tricks to help kids learn the multiplication table. Kids can figure out patterns for most of them. Most kids struggle with learning […]

This year, we are focusing on multiplication with my daughter Elizabeth. But I don't want her to just memorize and regurgitate a table of facts. […]

Book Recommendation: Weeds of the West
This morning, my husband Stan brought this plant home today and asked if I could help him figure out what it is. He said bees […]

Part 5. Home Learning Survival Skills. Keeping Kids Motivated.
Part 5. What do I do when my kids don’t want to do their school work from home? How do I keep them motivated? […]

Part 4. Home Learning Survival Strategies. Juggling Work and Homeschool
How to love your kids, get things done, and cut yourself some slack. Part 4. How do I work and teach my kids from home? […]

Part 3. Home Learning Survival Strategy: Teaching Multiple Children
Part 3. What does it look like to teach multiple children who are at different levels? How do I manage that? And how do I […]

Part 2: Home Learning Survival Strategies: Time Management
Part 2. Time management. Are you feeling the overwhelm of all you need to do to educate your kids at home? I’m here to help […]

Part 1: Home Learning Survival Strategies
Part 1. Introduction. Many families are educating their kids at home this year. This looks different for each family and comes with hundreds of decisions […]

Summer of the Monkeys
Summer of the Monkeys by Wilson Rawls I love this book. I bet you would love it too. It is about a boy, Jay Barry, […]