Liger Game

One of our family’s favorite games is the Liger Game. It is an animal drawing game, where players choose 2 animal cards from a deck, and then have to draw one animal with features from both animals. Their team members have to guess the original two animals from the drawing. It is hilarious and fun for kids about kindergarten up. Adults love it too. We made copies of the game and placed them on tables at a church Christmas party. They were a hit! Families asked to take them home. It was a fun ice breaker.

When it was my turn, the animal cards I drew were “Tyrannosaurus Rex” and “Sea horse.” Hence was born the C-Horse Rex.

I would love to share a copy of this game with you. Below is a free digital download of the game. You can print the animal cards on cardstock, cut them out, and find hours of creative family fun!

Here is a link to a google doc with instructions and the animal cards.

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